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Obedience Training

By April 13, 2018 No Comments

Why is obedience training important?

Obedience training is, in fact, critical when it comes to nurturing a healthy human-animal relationship and creating a socially compatible pet. The basic elements – sit, down, stay, come, and heel – help produce a good canine citizen. In a practical sense, obedience-trained dogs have easier lives, and are easier to live with, than their untrained peers. If dogs desist from jumping up on strangers, sit or lie quietly when asked, and walk politely on lead, they’re bound to spend more time with their owners going to picnics, ballparks, and other public places, and will spend less time alone at home. Obedience training is an education in good manners that, almost literally, opens many doors for otherwise confined dogs. Rather than thinking of obedience training as a series of pointless rituals, think of it as a tool to help dogs cope in the real world.

Training can be fun!

When training is positive and fun, both you and your dog can enjoy the process as well as the results. To teach your dog anything new, the task must hold some kind of reward when successfully completed. It’s unrealistic to imagine that your dog will perform a task simply because it pleases you – though some do seem particularly eager to please. For less owner-oriented dogs, even petting may not be a potent enough reward, especially when the dog is excited and would rather cavort than be petted by you, his momentary obstacle. In order to convince your dog that training exercises are fun, consider what he’ll work hardest for. For most dogs, the most compelling reward is a small but delicious treat.

Training Places around the Quad Cities and surrounding area: