Tapeworms are parasites that infect the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, other animals, and humans. Several types of tapeworms are known to infect pets, but the most common species observed in dogs is Dipylidium caninum, which is transmitted through fleas. Risk factors, clinical signs, treatment, and prevention are explained in this handout. Other, less common types of tapeworms that affect dogs and humans are also covered.
Deafness does not affect a cat's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. The keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signs and signals and learning what the cat finds rewarding. Deaf cats need special supervision such as leashing or a catio if allowed outdoors, and may startle more easily than cats that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a cat with normal hearing.
Deafness does not affect a dog's learning abilities, but it does impact what kinds of cues they can learn. Two keys to success are choosing a set of consistent signals and learning what the dog finds rewarding. Deaf dogs need special supervision such as leashing and safe fencing and may startle more easily than dogs that can hear, but otherwise can be trained with all the same methods used for a dog with normal hearing.
Telehealth is a broad term that refers to the use of telecommunications to provide health-related services. Telehealth services can be delivered by a variety of methods including telephone, text messaging, internet chat, and videoconferencing. Telehealth, including teletriage and telemedicine, can supplement in-person care and can provide a safe and practical method of receiving some veterinary care during times of physical or social distancing.
Telemedicine is defined as the act of practicing medicine at a distance. Telemedicine can be offered in a number of different ways: telephone calls, text messaging, online chat, email consultations, and visits conducted through videoconferencing programs. Telemedicine is not appropriate for every concern, such as a pet hit by a car; however, a number of common veterinary complaints can be addressed via telemedicine (e.g., flea allergies, minor limping, mild diarrhea). While it is impossible to perform a complete, comprehensive exam during a telemedicine appointment, in many cases your veterinarian can gather enough information to arrive at a reasonable diagnosis and start treatment. If your veterinarian determines that your pet requires in-person care, your veterinarian can help you determine when and where your pet should be seen and may be able to give you an idea of what to expect during the in-person veterinary visit.
Tendons are the strap-like structures that attach muscles to the bones on which they act. Most tendons are short and rarely damaged. However, the long tendons of the limbs are very vulnerable to damage during exercise or as a result of direct trauma.
Walking your dog is a simple task that has a positive impact on many aspects of overall health. Both human and canine obesity are a problem. Walking your dog is a great start to fulfilling the recommendations for you and your family by the World Health Organization, and leads to a healthy, happier dog
This handout summarizes the differences between brand name and generic medications. Included is an explanation as to why both forms of medications exist, as well as things to watch out for when opting to use or request a generic medication. Cost savings for generic medications are also discussed.
Secondhand smoke is not just detrimental to people but also our pets. Pets may be even more sensitive, due to their enhanced smell and different anatomy and physiology. Cancer risks are significantly higher in pets exposed to secondhand smoke.
Dental X-rays in cats are similar to those taken in humans. In many cases, intraoral (within the mouth) dental X-rays are necessary to identify and treat dental problems in your cat. Nearly two-thirds of each tooth is located under the gum line. Your cat will need to be anesthetized to accurately place the X-ray sensor and perform a thorough oral assessment, treatment, and prevention procedures.