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Creating a Comfortable Home for Your Mobility Compromised Dog

Whether it be arthritis, neurologic disease or a soft tissue strain, many pets will have trouble moving at some point in their life. But because of their inherent stoic natures or evolutionary need to hide problems, they won’t always make it obvious that they’re having trouble in their home environment.

Creating a living space that helps them with their normal routines, like moving from room to room, being on their favorite sleeping spot, eating, drinking and being able to use the bathroom comfortably, can make a great difference in their quality of life and help increase their lifespan.

How can modifying floors and stairs help?

Although beautiful and durable, hard flooring like hardwood, laminate, or tile is not good for dogs. These types of flooring are much more difficult to walk and run on securely. Pets that have fallen before or that have mobility concerns often walk very cautiously on these floors, with a short stride and hunched back to guard against falling. This posture can lead to stiffness and soreness in their muscles and, ultimately, to reduced activity around the house throughout the day, causing stiff, sore joints. This is often why older dogs appear to sleep more.

To make your hard floors easier to navigate, you could carpet your whole home, or more realistically, you could lay down area rugs and runners in areas where your dog spends the most time. Make sure those rugs/runners are non-slip and there aren’t any raised corners or edges that could trip your dog. If your dog still jumps on or off furniture, make sure you have non-slip rugs in the area to prevent slipping.

"Most dogs need their nails trimmed at least once a month."

Another way to increase your pet’s traction and mobility around the home is to keep their nails short and trim any fur that extends between their toes. Most dogs need their nails trimmed at least once a month. Leaving long nails on a dog is akin to putting high heels on a grandparent and asking them to walk on an ice rink! Just don’t do it. If your dog is stressed with nail trims, ask your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medications and training tips to help your dog accept this needed care.

Another way to give your dog extra grip at home is to apply nail caps, pad coverings, or boots that provide more traction. Different options work differently on each pet, so talk to your dog’s veterinarian or rehabilitation therapist before trying these options, as they will have more insight on what may work best on your dog.

Stairs also need a non-slip surface. You can install a carpet runner or use stick-down grip tape. Your veterinarian may recommend that your pet avoid all unnecessary stairs. In those cases, installing baby gates may be the best solution. You can help your pet up and down the stairs, when needed, with a harness designed to support their weight comfortably with little strain on your back. There are also stair lifts for dogs to help you get them up and down stairs with less stress and discomfort.

What about outdoor stairs?

Many homes require pets to navigate some stairs to get outside, and we don’t want to restrict our dogs from venturing out. Again, make sure the stairs are non-slip, or even better, install a ramp with good traction. Make sure the ramp itself is sturdy and doesn’t slip, or your dog may not want to use it. Also, make sure it is built so the dog can’t fall over the side! Take some time helping your dog become comfortable using it.

How else can I help protect my dog around the home?

Look at your home from your dog’s viewpoint – literally. Get down at your dog’s level and see what they need to walk around or over. Make note of any sharp corners they may have to navigate. As much as possible, minimize any clutter or confined spaces that require sudden changes in direction, which can be hard on the joints or cause falls. If there are any pointy or sharp edges that the dog may hit or fall into, like fireplace hearths or hard furniture corners, find ways to pad them. Get creative! Pool noodles can be helpful at cushioning these areas.

"Minimize any clutter or confined spaces that require sudden changes in direction, which can be hard on the joints or cause falls."

Take video your dog moving around your home in slow motion; pay close attention to their feet and posture, and how they change on different surfaces. A shorter stride or hunching around their shoulders or back may indicate your dog is having trouble navigating that area.

How can bedding help my dog?

Although dogs often like to lie on hard, cool surfaces, they are not ideal for a dog that can’t move around as easily as they used to. Choose bedding that doesn’t retain heat – especially in warmer climates – and beds that they don’t have to climb over or onto. The ideal bed may be a recessed orthopedic bed that doesn’t require your dog to climb onto it. The bed or bed cover should be machine washable to protect against urine or fecal matter. Urinary or fecal accidents can happen more frequently in dogs with mobility compromise.

If your dog sleeps on the bed or other furniture and your veterinarian says it is safe to continue, you can teach them to use stairs or ramps specifically made to help them get up and down. You will need to spend some time encouraging your dog to use them.

How can I help my dog eat and drink without discomfort?

Depending on your dog’s size, it can become very difficult to eat or drink from bowls on the floor. Elevating the bowls to a level that is more comfortable for them can make it easier for them to eat and especially drink better. A good level is often between their elbow and shoulder.

Dogs who find it hard to drink or go to the bathroom will often drink less. This can lead to several problems, including urinary tract infections, dehydration, and possibly worsening of kidney disease.

Can my mobility compromised dog still go to the bathroom outside?

Older pets may need to be helped or encouraged to go outside more frequently to urinate and defecate. Think of what you did when they were a puppy – taking them outside every 2–3 hours throughout the day to avoid elimination in the house. They may need a harness that offers comfortable support around their hind end if they have trouble holding the posture to urinate or defecate. Talk to your veterinarian or rehabilitation therapist about the best options for your dog.

What about car trips?

Car trips can present two problems for a dog with mobility compromise: getting in and out and staying stable once the vehicle starts moving. Any dog can get injured when they jump into or out of cars of any size, and this is especially true of dogs with mobility issues. If your dog is too large to be lifted in and out easily, you can use folding car ramps and/or support harnesses to minimize stress on both you and your dog.

"Any dog can get injured when they jump into or out of cars of any size, and this is especially true of dogs with mobility issues."

During the car ride, encourage your dog to lay down to minimize swaying motions. You may want to train them to rest in a crate and put that crate in your car to help eliminate stress on the joints and muscles caused by the car’s normal motion. Minimize abrupt starts and stops and sharp corners as much as safely possible. Talk to your veterinarian about ways to relieve car sickness or anxiety if you feel your dog suffers from those during car rides.

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